I've caught the gardening bug... had it for a little bit now. It's hard waiting the extra month or more for the last frost here in MO. Since we can't dig up the yard here or put in raised beds on the lawn, I'm venturing into container gardening. I'm not so sure how this is going to turn out, so I have a bit of a backup plan. I came across an ad from someone who was looking for a co-gardener. She has the yard and will supply everything, but needs someone to help with the garden and building a coop for her chickens. In return we'll split the produce and recieve eggs. So I responded to her ad, and she chose me and another guy to join in on this together. I'm sooooo excited! Nothing like fresh organic produce, fresh eggs, and the spirit of community!
Back to my container gardening.... I managed to score a large number of pots from Freecycle, and I plan to make some of my own self-watering containers as well. I have peas, onions, and lettuce in pots outside and they are finally peeking out. Inside I've started brussels sprouts, basil, chives, cucumbers, and snapdragons. I have more seeds on the way and will start those inside as well as probably buying a few starts to get a jump on the warm season veggies. The boys have had so much fun watching the seeds sprout and grow. It's so rewarding to watch them myself!
One of the Brussels Sprouts that I decided to repot and try outside
Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Chives
Two varieties of cucumbers - both bush varieties, one for picklers
More Brussels Sprouts & Chives, and a bunch of Snapdragons (one of my favorites)